SWOPBehind Bars 是一个全国性的草根社会正义网络,致力于性工作者、贩运受害者及其社区的基本人权,重点关注目前被监禁或寻求重返社会的人。 SWOP BB 通过提供资源、社区建设项目、教育计划和宣传来努力消除暴力和污名,以性工作者和贩运受害者的声音为中心。
What We Believe
We believe that people who have experienced exploitation should have access and opportunity to receive services and support no matter how they got where they are.
We do not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or status as a protected veteran.
We beleive that our criminal justice system is broken and we call for the decarceration & demilitarization of society leading to the eventual abolition of systems of punishment.
We believe that survivors of violence should not be incarcerated and should instead receive restorative services and support so they are able to discontinue the cycle of violence,
We engage in providing education to the public as well as to incarcerated populations about bodily autonomy, agency and self determination for all adults. Our entry program focuses on provision of identification documents, digital and financial literacy and job-readiness skill building
We believe that accurate and timely information is the best way to make sure that the needs of Sex Workers and Survivors of Exploitation and Violence are met with compassion and that they are treated with dignity and respect.
We believe that listening is the foundation of excellence in service provision,
Sex Workers and Survivors are entitled and encouraged to participate in their own safety planning and make their own decisions about how to resolve the crisis they are faced with
with supportive care.
People who trade sex should be provided with the resources they need and that they have the ability to access. Our wide network of sex worker positive services providers understands our mission and vision and shares our goal of fair and equitable connections to vital services and support.
Ashunte Coleman是佛罗里达州的倡导者和减少伤害专家。她不仅隶属于 SWOPBehind Bars,每周举办研讨会和赋权会议,而且还是佛罗里达州权利恢复委员会的成员和LIPs Tampa的创始人,该组织致力于赋权和倡导跨性别性工作者的权利和合法化坦帕及其周边地区。 LIP 服务于跨性别性工作者,特别是有色人种跨性别性工作者的需求,并提供基本人类需求,如食物、安全交通和住房、性别平等医疗保健、低成本心理健康和药物滥用服务,并建立一个整个佛罗里达州中部的社区意识。
布莱尔霍普金斯是新奥尔良的摄影记者和终身成人行业专业人士。作为 SWOP 的副主任,她主持并制作了我们的播客, 一天的(性)工作, 并出版了同名书籍。
Ceyenne Doroshow (发音为 Kai-Ann)是一位富有同情心的强大表演者、活动家、组织者、社区研究员和跨性别和性工作者权利运动的公众人物。她致力于为 LGBTQ 性工作者提供整体护理。
作为国际公众演讲者,她的演讲包括 The Desiree Alliance、Creating Change、SisterSong、Harm Reduction Coalition 和国际艾滋病会议。她是 Toronto Pride 和 MOMA/PS1 的性工作者抵抗节的特邀主持人,提升了她作为有色人种跨性别女性的声音。
Ceyenne 曾多次出现在媒体中,曾在 Showtime 的 OZ 电视节目中为纪录片《红伞日记》和《Miss Major》演出。
Ceyenne 以她在厨房的技巧而闻名,她与人合着了加勒比烹饪书《穿着高跟鞋做饭》,同时因卖淫罪名被监禁。她目前正在写她的第二本书,名为《坠入火海》。
Katt Cain是一位经验丰富的减害主义者,也是佛罗里达州中部的忠实减害主义者,在注射器交换和性工作的交叉领域工作。她的隐形工人网络为满足人类的关键需求创造了无与伦比的机会。
克里斯(他们/他们)多年来一直致力于改变南方的黑人社区。医疗种族主义、家庭暴力和生存的生活经验 性工作 激发了他们对基层激进主义、BIPOC 性工作者人权的热情, 增加接受激进教育和互助的机会。 除了与 SWOP BB 合作外,他们还在 SWOP USA 的 BOD 上工作。
M. Dante是一位作家,15 年来一直为性行业的社会正义和反暴力努力的研究、讨论和社区对话做出贡献。自 2013 年以来,但丁女士代表性工作者在全国多个委员会作证。
她从小就无家可归,在成为独立工作者之前,她做了十多年的流动性工作者。她拥有 30 多年的行业经验,被联邦政府定义为贩运幸存者,并被认定为积极的自愿成年工人、教育者和盟友。